
She's still the one...

Folks are still in love with Fanny.
Even kids who never met her showed up last night at the library to hear stories, see the trailer, and learn more about Pawtucket's Sweetheart who left town almost 20 years ago.
One of them is going to be an official fundraiser at her school when it opens this fall.
There were 35 people there in all, including some of the original players, like Former Mayor Metivier who brought a priceless bit of tape. It followed Fanny on her last night in Pawtucket.
"We were all in tears that night," he and Aaron Wishnevsky agreed.
Aaron, who visited Fanny in Texas a lot with his wife Pat, brought a stash of pictures of the Black Beauty Ranch, and a full sized footprint.
Add to that Eclipse Neilsen of the "Free Fanny" coalition, the assistant zookeeper who took care of Fanny, and lots of people who knew and loved her.
Even Chris Kane, who made the sculpture of Fanny that stands in the park now, popped in, as did Jen Warmbold, lead elephant keeper Roger Williams Park Zoo. I could go on and on.
The pictures and memories that people shared are going to be invaluable as we go into high gear until this movie is done.
There was just one fly in the ointment- my business cards hadn't come in yet, and I didn't have a handout with our contact information for everyone.
So please- please- contact us through our email address (elephantsinri@gmail.com) or Facebook page (Uproar in Pawtucket)and we promise to keep in touch!
Ultimate conclusion? I'm positive this is the right story to tell and, once again, am gratified by the passion Fanny evokes, even today.

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