
Good news and disappointing....

We've been working steadily, Producer Gennie and I, to move Fanny along.
This Tuesday we'll celebrate her life at Pawtucket Library, and have asked people to bring their stories and pictures of her to be included in the film.
I have plenty of tape, and hope to capture as much great stuff as possible.
We'll also be filming former Mayor Robert Metivier who was head honcho during the Uproar. It should be pretty amazing to get his side of the story.
We also hope to get plenty of pix of the event as there will be more than one "star" there.
One of the main reasons we're doing this event is to act as a spur for the main thrust of editing the film and filling in footage to make it more complete.
On the disappointing side, our indiegogo.com fundraising didn't net what we had hoped, though we're entirely grateful for those who did contribute to the cause. We'll use the money we raised for transportation, publicity, and, when we're ready, to compensate a musician and voice over actor.
More as things progress.

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