
It's all shaping up...

Fanny's story is shaping up nicely. I'm 25% done with the rough cut.
And we have a composer/musician who is glad to work with us!
Meet Joe Rizzo- a composer from PA who was once part of a group called Amoeba Crunch. It may not sound too appetizing, but many of his cuts caught my ear and I've been using them as a working score for the film.
I am still looking for more pictures and footage- especially of Fanny's early days, and the zoo in general from 1970 on. I ran across a shot of Bob and Jenny Feather riding Fanny in 1984 and would love to find someone who knows them to see if I can get a good quality print to use in the film.
Please contace me at elephantsinri@gmail.com with any questions, comments, or help you may want to give.
And speaking of help- here's another tip of the hat to all those who participated so generously in the fundraising. We are thrilled to be able to acknowledge you and have you as our partners in the film.
There's a new trailer up on youtube for those who want to hear our Voiceover guy enticing you to see the film.
See it at http://youtu.be/ikh4OHEePRo
Stay tuned for further progress updates....


Updates and outlook

Life has been busy here and there is a lot of good news on the Uproar front.
We've got most of our voiceover actors picked for the film, including some great kids, but we hope to have a few more Pawtucket youngsters on board soon.
Unfortunately, the winners of the contest for the best picture haven't given us permission to publish their names so we'll thank them anonymously.
I can't tell how much everyone's generosity has touched us. We're working hard to make sure that the movie repays you many times over!
The money we raised through indiegogo will pay for music, voiceover actors and supplies we need to move the film forward.
Everyone asks- "When will the film be done?" and it's been a hard question to answer, but we now have a solid target date- June 21st!
As soon as we're certain that the final cut looks great, we'll schedule a premiere in Pawtucket for everyone to join.
Please keep us posted on all things Fanny!