
Coming to a station near you...

The interview that we taped on NCTV (channel 18,RI Cox cable station) is in the can and will be airing in Rhode Island soon. I saw it yesterday and though I wished I looked a little jazzier, I was pleased. I made a couple of gaffs, but that's to be expected on a program without notes, so I hope I'll be forgiven for those. I will also post dates and times as soon as I get them from the station manager.

Otherwise the project continues apace. Fundraising is temporarily stalled at the kickstarter site
mainly due to the fact that many people don't have amazon accounts and aren't that eager to start any. If that's the case with you, please contact me and we can make an alternative arrangement for your support. So far, I've had donations from the US, Russia, and Israel. And for everyone who has helped out so far, my deepest thanks! We may be seeing the new footage before long. When I receive it, I'll make sure everyone gets to share in it ASAP. If you happen to think of anyone who may be interested in getting a credit on this film, please feel free to forward them the link or even post it on your facebook, twitter, etc. account.
(End of solicitation.)

Happy New Year...

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