

The final cut of Roger is finished, and even has a workable score on it, though the final version of the music is still at the composer's... I am delighted. It's gotten good reviews from those who've seen it, including the members of the RI Film Collaborative up in Pawtucket, who made a few tweaking suggestions, but agreed it was pretty decent.

RI PBS has expressed interest in seeing it for possible airing, the official premiere is set for February 23rd at the Roger Williams Park Museum, and I'm trying to find a place for the wrap party next month.

I've also printed booklets with the whole story of Roger, including the stuff that got left on the cutting room floor. So the creative stuff is finished and the business stuff is kicking in. It's been hard, oddly enough, to accept the fact that I don't have to work on the film now. Somehow I keep saying "there are just a few more things to do." That's true of the business end, of course, like letter writing, marketing, etc., but the film itself is actually DONE!!!

Now to move on to the next in the series- "Uproar in Pawtucket; the Story of Fanny the Elephant."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats Patti! I've got 2/23 on my calendar -- hope we see each other before then.