
Fanny begins...

There's something pretty satisfying about being presented with stacks of primary source folders on a subject, and that's what I faced earlier today up in Pawtucket. The Fanny files from both the Library and Historical Society there were waiting for me to mine them. I only had a couple of hours to go through them today, but I can hardly wait to retun next week for more digging.

There were a couple of bombshells even in the little I was able to go through, and I am running up a real photocopy account as I go along. Fanny, it appears, left her footprint in cement at the zoo the day before she left for Texas in 1993. I don't remember seeing it there, but then again, I wasn't looking for it the last time I visited the zoo. There was more memorabilia as well, and I'm hoping to dig it up as I go along.

It's time to actually start shooting interviews. I have a couple lined up and a list of names that reaches all the way to the ground to do at the same time.

I've also begun lining up speaking engagements for the summer, to update people on the research. Chepachet first, in May, and then Pawtucket in July. Anyone who wants to book my presentation is welcome to contact me at tapit@care2.com.

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