It's been pretty busy around here lately.
I posted a Director's statement on youtube- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FK68y5xW3ro which was a lot of fun to make and post.
It didn't occur to me until I began chatting about it how much Pawtucket reminds me of the small city I grew up in in upstate NY. Maybe that's why I connect with it so much. Of course, we didn't have a zoo there, or an elephant. Maybe that was a good thing.
But everyone has been great and the stories just keep flowing in. Although I'm working now on a very rough cut of the film now, there's always room for more info.
The latest great tale comes from Rachel Cresser who knew Fanny when she was a little girl (Rachel, that is- not Fanny!). She's also provided some really haunting pix of Slater Park Zoo as it is today.
We just grew our production team by 100%, too! Eclipse Neilson has joined us as Assistant Producer, and Steph Roberts is the twittermeister. Maybe she's the reason that Sundance Film Festival is now following us there...
We're running a contest for the best picture of Fanny or Slater Park Zoo when she was there. And
More questions, comments, stories, etc? Let us know at
And, of course, we're trying to raise money to take care of some of our basic needs. Check out www.indiegogo.com/Free-Elephants to support us and get your gifts!
We've only go 24 days left to reach our goal. Please let your friends and neighbors know about us and join our efforts....
We just learned that CBS news wants around $4000 to license one minute of footage that we need, so that's a whole new campaign!
"Like" us at https://www.facebook.com/UproarInPawtucket We're aiming to hit 100 followers by the end of March!
Follow us on Twitter as UproarPawtucket.
Never lose contact with the production!